Life Lessons

How to Unload Yourself and Feel Better – if Not Happier 

If happiness can be the result of the little things we do and the daily decisions we make, so does sadness, anger and frustration.

There will always be circumstances in life which we cannot control. Nomatter how careful we are with our actions, or how nice we are to people and how much we struggle to follow the words of Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa,we will always be vulnerable to hurts and disappointments. 

We are only human and we need to accept that. We don’t have to try so hard to be in charge of everything. Sometimes it’s best to simply let go and literally breathe out all negative feelings that weigh us down. 

In this blog post, I am going to share to you some helpful things I do which actually work and hopefully will also work for you. So here they are: 

1. Seek God through PRAYER. 

Praying does not have to be wordy. Sometimes, all we have to do is take a moment to pause and silently acknowledge God’s presence. There are times when I find it hard to talk to God in my mind when praying because I simply just do not know what to say! But what I know is that God is fully aware with what I’m going through. And what I am very sure about in my moment of wordless prayer is that I trust in Him. 

2. Forgive the situation. That includes everyone involved, especially yourself.

I often find myself replaying a bad situation in my mind and figuring out what went wrong and what I could have done. I also look for somebody else to blame and blame myself too. 

That never helped. Things went wrong and I know that I can never turn back time. So now I try harder to be kind to myself and simply forgive everything related to the event. To err is human, to forgive is divine. 

3. Before reacting to a problem, think first if what you’re about to do will make you happy in the long term. 

It’s really easy to fight back when somebody hurts your ego. Many times, I have talked back to people who hurt me because I wanted to stress my point and show them I’m right. Sometimes, I realize too that nomatter how hard I try to reason out and talk some sense into them, things get worse because basically they don’t seem to listen. 

It’s true that as we grow old, it’s harder to be kind than clever. But being kind means you’re the better person.

Plus, if you evaluate and contemplate your actions first before doing them, you will thank yourself after the problem is over. On my part, I think that being silent rather than saying harsh words helps a lot. Less talk, less trouble. 

4. SLEEP or take a NAP if you can’t seem to think straight.

If your mind is in a mess, sometimes the best thing to do is to give it a break by sleeping or taking a nap. Rest your mind and allow it to recharge. We may be too clouded by emotions that we act on impulse and then regret tomorrow. 

So close your eyes and doze off a bit. Take a break! I always feel better when I do. And when I wake up, I realize I can think better.

5. Sweat it out. Run, jog, exercise or do some chores. 

I always seem to have the urge to go jogging or exercising using my FitStar app when I can’t clear my mind. When I’m on the process of sweating out, I think about all my frustrations and physically unleashing it by increasing the intensity of my workout session. 

When I jog or do push-ups or burpees or shadow boxing, I imagine punching my enemy in the face! After I have tired myself, I feel really better. And I am thankful for not doing it in real life.

I believe that the rationale behind sweating out through physical activity is that it releases happy hormones or endorphins.

6. Talk to a TRUSTED friend. 

Don’t keep your feelings bottled inside. Share it to someone but make sure that the person is trustworthy and mature in thinking. Perhaps that someone can give you a good advice and can see your situation in a better light. 

I hope all of these tips help. If you have other stuff to add that helps, simply share your insights by commenting below. I would greatly appreciate it. 

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